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ABSTRACT Introduction Organised by the ‘Qualitative Long Covid Network’, a workshop for qualitative Long COVID (LC) researchers, LC charity representatives and people with LC took place in June 2023, where research on the intersectional inequalities affecting LC prevalence, recognition and care was shared and discussed. Methods Five key themes were drawn up from presentations, discussions and reflections during the workshop, which are presented in this study. Results The following five themes are discussed: the unfairness of LC, difficulties in accessing care, mistrust of the healthcare system, a lack of understanding of LC and experiences of stigma and discrimination. Factors that widen or narrow inequalities related to LC were identified. Conclusion A call to action is proposed to investigate and address inequalities through a robust LC research agenda that speaks with conviction to policy and decision-makers. We argue that there needs to be a strong investment in research and evidence-based policy and practice to mitigate the worst effects of the condition and address the inequalities in experience, treatment and support, which are experienced more often and more acutely by some of society's most vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals. Patient and Public (PPI) Contribution Projects included in this article had PPI ongoing activity to inform their research. A member of the CONVALESCENCE PPI group presented at the QLC Network ‘Long Covid and Health Inequalities’ workshop, as did members of Long COVID Kids, Long COVID Support and Long COVID SOS charities. They were all invited to be co-authors of this article.

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Wiley Online Library


Health expectations, Volume27, Issue5 October 2024 e70047


John Wiley & Sons, Inc

Publication Date





This study was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care Research (grant reference No 517).