Multiple methods study of universal school-based food provision for secondary school children in Tower Hamlets
- 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2026
- Project No: 722
- Funding round: FR 10
PI Title: Dr Meredith K.D. Hawking
Lead member: QMUL
"Why do we need this research?
Being able to eat a healthy lunch is important for children's mental and physical health. In the UK, free school meals are only available to some secondary school children, based on their household income. This can increase stigma and reduce the amount of children who access free school meals.
What do we want to find out?
In Tower Hamlets, many families experience poverty and food insecurity which can impact mental and physical health. In September 2023, Tower Hamlets council will provide a free school lunch to every secondary school student. We aim to explore how students, families and school staff experience this new policy. We want to find out whether free school meals for all impacts on students' health by looking at their GP records.
What will we do?
Students, parents and community researchers will help make sure our work is relevant and reflects local priorities. We will do interviews, focus groups and observations with students, staff and parents in schools. We will analyse the medical records of secondary school aged children in Tower Hamlets before and after the new policy. We aim to uncover any difficulties or successes of the approach. This will ensure local and national authorities can learn from the work that Tower Hamlets council is doing.
Amount awarded: £246,796