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Smoking and Mental Health, A short video for health and social care professionals produced by the Mental Elf for the NIHR Three Schools #smokingandmentalhealth

This is a video for health and social care professionals which is an output following a Three NIHR Research Schools Mental Health Programme-funded workshop on smoking and mental health.

Watch the full video on YouTube

  • People with severe mental illness smoke more than everyone else
  • They do want to stop smoking just like anyone else, but they may need additional support
  • Mental health generally improves when we stop smoking
  • Support for people with severe mental illness must be person-centred and individualised
  • Above all, we need to believe in the people we are supporting You CAN help people with severe mental illness to stop smoking

This video features: - Prof Carolyn Chew-Graham - Dr David Shiers, and - The Hough brothers - Simon Hough & Phil Hough. Our thanks also go to the workshop organisers and speakers, including Amanda Farley, Emily Oliver, Emily Peckham, Michael Clark, Simon Gilbody, Wendy Burn, André Tomlin from The Mental Elf, and Tom Bailey for the graphic illustrations.