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The NIHR Three Schools Prevention Research Programme is now open for applications for both Research Projects and the Practice Evaluation Scheme.

NIHR Three Schools Prevention Research Programme Research Projects and Practice Evaluation Scheme Funding Call

We are excited to announce that the NIHR Three Schools Prevention Research Programme is now open for applications for both Research Projects and the Practice Evaluation Scheme. To be eligible, applications must be co-developed with at least two of the Three Research Schools (Public Health, Primary Care, and Social Care Research). Research projects are expected to begin no earlier than April 2025, and the Practice Evaluation Scheme will start from May 2025. Please note that awards will only be granted to NIHR Three Schools member institutions.

Detailed information on funding, eligibility criteria, application processes, selection criteria, timelines, and the commissioning process is available through the call links below.

NIHR Three Research Schools Prevention Programme – Research Projects Call

Please send completed application forms to before the deadline of 5pm, Friday 29th November 2024.Please note the application must be endorsed and signed by a member of one of the Schools, requires collaboration and inclusion of a completed costing template. We expect to receive more applications than we can fund. Following review by a national research review panel, unsuccessful applicants will receive constructive feedback on their proposals within four weeks of the decision, and, where appropriate, information on other sources of funding may be provided.

NIHR Three Research Schools Prevention Programme – Practice Evaluation Scheme 24/25

Please note: The deadline for Expressions of Interests, which are mandatory, is 5pm 31st October 2024. The deadline for full applications is 5pm 31st January 2025. Please return your completed full application form (which will be sent to you following receipt of the approved EOI) to