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New tool for assessing the severity of type 2 diabetes could help personalise treatment and improve outcomes
Salwa S Zghebi, Mamas A Mamas, Darren M Ashcroft, Chris Salisbury, Christian D Mallen, Carolyn A Chew-Graham, David Reeves, Harm Van Marwijk, Nadeem Qureshi, Stephen Weng, Tim Holt, Iain Buchan, Niels Peek, Sally Giles, Martin K Rutter, Evangelos Kontopantelis.

Public health messages on alcohol need to consider how and why people drink, not just how much
Amy O’Donnell, Barbara Hanratty, Bernd Schulte & Eileen Kaner 

Social prescribing could empower patients to address non-medical problems in their lives
Stephanie Tierney, Geoff Wong, Nia Roberts, Anne-Marie Boylan, Sophie Park, Ruth Abrams, Joanne Reeve, Veronika Williams & Kamal R. Mahtani 

Pedometers can help people get more active as part of an exercise programme
Hodkinson A, Kontopantelis E, Adeniji C, van Marwijk H, McMillan B, Bower P, Panagioti M.

‘Care navigation’ is being widely adopted in primary care, but in varying ways
Stephanie Tierney, Geoff Wong and Kamal R Mahtani

Patients, in theory, might prefer GP-led care to self-management for high blood pressure
Benjamin Fletcher, Lisa Hinton, Richard McManus and Oliver Rivero-Arias

Clinicians prescribe antibiotics for childhood respiratory tract infection based on assessment, rather than parental expectation
Christie Cabral, Jeremy Horwood, Jon Symonds, Jenny Ingram, Patricia J. Lucas, Niamh M. Redmond, Joe Kai, Alastair D. Hay & Rebecca K. Barnes

Lifestyle changes may be more important than drugs for mild hypertension
J Sheppard, S Stevens, R Stevens, U Martin, J Mant, R Hobbs, R McManus

Stability of thyroid function in older adults: the Birmingham Elderly Thyroid Study 
L Roberts, D McCahon, O Johnson, M S Haque, J Parle and R Hobbs

Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study 
Edward G Tyrrell, Denise Kendrick, Kapil Sayal and Elizabeth Orton 

The blood-thinner apixaban is less likely to cause major bleeding than warfarin
Y Vinogradova, C Coupland, T Hill, J Hippisley-Cox

Reminders help GPs to find and manage inherited cholesterol disorders
S Weng, J Kai, J Tranter, J Leonardi-Beeb, N Qureshi

Aerobic exercise moderately reduces depressive symptoms in new mothers
Pritchett, R. V.,Daley, A. J.,Jolly, K.

Blood pressure self-monitoring works best when people are well-supported
R McManus, K Tucker, J. Sheppard, R Stevens, H. Bosworth,A Bove, E Bray, K Earle, J George, M Godwin,B. Green, P Hebert, R Hobbs, I Kantola

Screen reminders for GPs did not improve anticoagulation prescribing in atrial fibrillation
T Holt, A Dalton, T Marshall, M Fay, N Qureshi, S Kirkpatrick, J Hislop, D Lasserson, K Kearley, J Mollison, L Yu. R Hobbs, D Fitzmaurice

A blood test threshold for diagnosing heart failure in general practice is reviewed

Collaborative care can be moderately effective at treating depression regardless of physical health status 

Options in the care of people with depression 

Transient ischaemic attacks may have greater long-term impact than previously thought 

Young children from deprived areas are more at risk of serious burns and scalds 

“Case management” can prevent people with heart failure being admitted again

NIHR Highlights

Childhood Eczema

Themed Review

Better beginnings themed review 

Moving forward themed review