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Supporting early work and collaborations in skin research

Skin conditions are the most common reason for people to present in primary care. The SPCR’s support for research into this area has helped to forge collaborations across the School and drive further funding into the field. 

In 2017, the SPCR funded a feasibility trial to see if food allergy tests help eczema control in children. Chief Investigator Matthew Ridd, GP and professor of primary healthcare at the University of Bristol, said “Theres so little research on this. There are guidelines around it, but theres not a lot of evidence underpinning that. We’ve found significant variation in practice, which creates conflicts and is probably wasting resources, one way or another. Many parents are modifying their childs diet with or without allergy tests because theres a lot of misinformation out there. 


Read more of this case study



PI: ​Matthew Ridd