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Translating research into practice with a safer prescribing system

Funding from the School for Primary Care Research enables researchers to develop their work, advancing it towards becoming evidence-based standard practice. A prime example is the PINCER intervention, which aims to reduce prescription errors. 

PINCER is a pharmacist-led computerised system – when it detects a hazardous prescription, it alerts a pharmacist to speak with the GPs to help correct the error and prevent it happening in future. 

A multicentre randomised controlled trial published in The Lancet in 2012 showed that the system effectively tackled hazardous prescribing or prescribing errors. This successful study was a close collaboration between the universities of Manchester and Nottingham, however the team felt that this wouldn’t be enough for it to be put to use.  

Read more of this case study



SPCR Funding Round 7

PI: Tony Avery / Darren Ashcroft