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NIHR Webinar | Inspiring others with a clear vision

Thursday, 13 March 2025, 1pm to 2pm

SPCR Bitesize Impact Showcase: Public Involvement and Engagement

Alice Faux-Nightingale, Michelle Farr, Sarah Harrison, Stephanie Gillibrand and Jessica Watson

Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 11.30am to 1pm

Explore the impact of research! Each session features 3 short presentations on findings, policy impacts, and next steps, plus a live Q&A.

SPCR Bitesized Impact Showcases - Session 3

Sandi Dheensa, Brian McMillan, Gail Davidge and Francesca Dakin

Thursday, 06 March 2025, 12pm to 1pm

Explore the impact of research! Each session features 3 short presentations on findings, policy impacts, and next steps, plus a live Q&A.

ATTUNE: The role and the contribution of the voluntAry secTor to the prevenTion of sUicide among youNg pEople

Maria Michail and Willem Stander

Thursday, 27 February 2025, 2pm to 3.30pm

Maria Michail and Willem Stander, University of Birmingham have a study funded through the Three NIHR Research Schools' Mental Health Programme. They have a launch event on Thursday 27th February from 2 - 3.30pm (online)

NIHR Webinar | Agile working and staying flexible

Thursday, 27 February 2025, 1pm to 2pm

SPCR Bitesized Impact Showcases - Session 2

Sophie Orton, Sharon Dixon, Abi McNiven and Megan Armstrong

Wednesday, 26 February 2025, 12pm to 1pm

Explore the impact of research! Each session features 3 short presentations on findings, policy impacts, and next steps, plus a live Q&A.

SPCR Bitesized Impact Showcases - Session 1

Tanimola Martins, Adam Geraghty and Ben Saunders

Monday, 24 February 2025, 12pm to 1pm

Explore the impact of research! Each session features 3 short presentations on findings, policy impacts, and next steps, plus a live Q&A.

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