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Primary Care Mental Health Conference 2024
SAPC Mental Health Special Interest Group  Primary Care Mental Health Conference 
15th May 2024 at Keele Hall, Keele University, Staffordshire
We invite you to share your research with fellow researchers and service users at the forthcoming SAPC Mental Health Special Interest Group - Primary Care Mental Health Conference to be held on Wednesday 15th May 2024. The focus of the conference is:

"what is important in primary care mental health research?"  

The day will commence at 9.30am and finish at 3.30pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided throughout the day and free parking will be available. To reduce the need for private transport, we are offering a free shuttle bus service available from 3.45pm onwards from Keele Hall to Stoke on Trent railway station. Registration for the event will open in early 2024. The cost for attending will be £40 for SAPC members and £80 for non-SAPC members. Non-members may able to join SAPC and become eligible for the SAPC member rate.

Call for abstracts:
We are interested in both completed, and ongoing, work. Submissions for oral presentations and posters are welcomed. We will inform you by early April 2024 if you have been selected for presentation and which type. 
Abstracts must be no longer than 250 words in total (using this proforma) and preferably be written in the suggested format. All abstracts will be reviewed by experienced academics and public contributors,  on the following criteria:  Clarity of Aims, Importance and originality, Methodological rigour,  Implications, Patient/public involvement and link to the focus of the conference.
The submission deadline is: 4pm on 16th February 2024
Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Claire Ashmore on
Registration deadline: Monday 6 May 2024