NIHR ARC webinar | Exploring lived experience with creative arts
Wednesday, 11 June 2025, 1pm to 2pm
In this year's national #ARCseminar series, we explore the healing power of creative arts.
Here, in the second webinar of the series, we will be hearing from researchers on: Exploring lived experience with creative arts.
Three short 10-minute talks present projects that have used creative arts such as poetry, theatre and illustration, to explore the lived experiences of children in temporary accommodation, pregnant women in prisons and Gypsy & Traveller women.
- NIHR ARC North Thames' Prof Monica Lakhanpaul on trauma-informed song, poetry, photography and theatre to reach families living in temporary accommodation.
- NIHR ARC ARC East of England's Dr Laura Abbott on using theatre to explore the experiences of pregnant women in prisons.
- NIHR ARC East Midlands' Barbara Czyznikowska and artist Lis Naylor on using arts-based methods to explore the experiences and perceptions of pregnancy amongst Gypsy and Traveller women.
For more information and to book, please see the Eventbrite Collection for the webinar series or scroll down for more information on each webinar.
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We are the network of 15 NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs) – a research service close to the beating heart of health and social care.
NIHR ARCs support applied health and care research across the country and are funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
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