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NIHR ARC webinar | Creative arts for dementia

In this year's national #ARCseminar series, we explore the healing power of creative arts.

Here, in the third webinar of the series, we will be hearing from researchers on: Creative arts for dementia care.

Three short 10-minute talks explore research on the impact of music therapy, singing and dancing interventions for people with dementia, and using creative arts to involve people with dementia in research.

Chair: This webinar is chaired by NIHR ARC Wessex’s Dr Stephen Lim, a Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant Geriatrician in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southampton. He is NIHR ARC Wessex's Ageing & Dementia Theme Lead.


  • NIHR ARC East of England's Dr Ming-Hung Hsu on music therapy for dementia.
  • NIHR ARC North West Coast's Dr Megan Polden on singing and dancing interventions for dementia.
  • NIHR ARC South West Peninsula's Prof Linda Clare on using creative arts to involve people with dementia in the largest study of living well with dementia in the UK.

For more information and to book, please see the Eventbrite Collection for the webinar series or scroll down for more information on each webinar. 

About NIHR ARCs:

We are the network of 15 NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs) – a research service close to the beating heart of health and social care.

NIHR ARCs support applied health and care research across the country and are funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

For more information and to find your local ARC see the NIHR ARCs website, join our monthly national newsletter and follow us on X @NIHRARCs or on Bluesky