School of Medicine - Keele University
The School of Medicine at Keele University provides an inclusive, dynamic research and training environment committed to open science and research integrity. We attract, retain, and develop a talented and diverse research workforce. Our teams are supported by a strong research and implementation infrastructure, integrated clinical partnerships, patient and public involvement, and (inter)national collaborations, in order to accelerate early adoption of best evidence into policy and practice, and of methodological innovation into research application.
We lead the NIHR School for Primary Care Research and host an NIHR accredited Clinical Trials Unit, and a dedicated Impact Accelerator Unit (IAU). Our designated IAU works together with research teams to push the pace of translating research findings into tangible benefits for patients, clinicians, and the NHS. Based on our internationally recognised research in pain and arthritis, we are a EULAR Centre of Excellence and have been recognised as the Primary Care Centre of Excellence Versus Arthritis. Current NIHR, Wellcome and Versus Arthritis grants to the School amount to over £25 million.
Adele Higginbottom (Interim)