Career Development Awards
Emma Adams - Newcastle University Project Title: Evidence synthesis: training, networking, and undertaking a systematic review around trauma, mental health, and homelessness. Brief summary: People experiencing homelessness often face complex challenges around substance use, mental health and historical or recent trauma. Trauma can be an experience (physical or emotional) that is life-threatening, harmful, or out of the ordinary and has lasting impacts on all aspects of wellbeing. Much of the information we know about trauma within homeless populations focuses on events in childhood. However, there is a need to understand how trauma during homelessness impacts mental health if we want to ensure people experiencing homelessness have access to the right support at the right time. This career development award will seek to bring together all the current evidence on this area. Systematic reviews are often used to bring together information around a specific question and knowing how to conduct them well is key to research career development. This award provides an opportunity to learn about how to conduct systematic reviews, develop networks with researchers across health and social care, and work with individuals who have experienced homelessness to produce a systematic review of qualitative work exploring trauma in adults experience homelessness. Start / end dates: April 2022 - June 2023 Email: |
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Ruth Ambrose - Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust Project Title: Barriers to accessing physical health care in people with Severe Mental Illness (SMI): A Systematic Review. Brief summary: People living with severe mental illness (SMI) are one of the most marginalised and disenfranchised groups in society. These conditions have the potential to severely impair functional and occupational activities, increase the likelihood of social exclusion and rank among the top 10 causes of disability in developed countries worldwide. There is no clear direction as to who should manage patients with stable SMI, who no longer require the expertise of specialist secondary care services. A number of these patients continue to have a high need for treatment, monitoring and support, despite no longer having acute symptomology and not meeting the high thresholds for community mental health services. There is a need to understand patients experiences of having their care solely managed in general practice. Start / end dates: June 2022 - September 2023 Email: |
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Stephanie Ejegi-Memeh - Sheffield University Project Title: Exploring the role of Black-led community organisations in promoting mental well-being in Black communities. Brief summary: In the UK, people from Black communities have a higher prevalence of mental health conditions, are less likely to seek help for mental health conditions and are less likely to have their mental health conditions detected by professionals. Community organisations often step in where statutory services fail, but their initiatives are precariously funded, rarely documented nor the focus of rigorous research. This project aims to: 1) document the contribution of Black-led community organisations in promoting mental well-being 2) document the strengths and challenges of Black-led community organisations 3) explore how to conduct research in equitable and collaborative ways with Black communities 4) evaluate how Black-led organisations function to promote mental well-being in Black communities Start / end dates: December 2022 - May 2024 |
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Clarissa Giebel - University of Liverpool Project Title: Determining and managing the specific mental health needs of social care staff and family carers of older adults. Brief summary: This 18-month Career Development Award involves a study to address the mental health and well-being needs of social care staff and unpaid carers for older adults in the North West and targeted career development to take the next step towards becoming an independent dementia care researcher. The research project will explore the mental health needs of unpaid and formal carers (home and long-term care) of older adults and explore how needs could be met via remote interviews (Work Package 1). I will also conduct four focus groups with registered managers and mental health care professionals to understand care provision and access to paid and unpaid carers. To ensure different experiences and barriers are captured, I will look through an equity lens using the Health Inequalities Assessment Toolkit. I will purposefully sample participants from different socio-economic backgrounds. Work Package 2 involves three co-production workshops to adapt the Schwartz rounds to the mental health needs of different carer groups. This project involves three carers as active team members throughout all aspects of the project. My personal development will involve related training and leadership courses, supporting my career development and applying for external funding to implement the carer Schwartz rounds. Start / end dates: April 2022 - September 2024 |
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William McGovern - Northumbria University Project Title: Exploring the trajectories and mental health needs of individuals recovering from long term problematic alcohol and substance use. |
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Richard Pione - Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Project Title: Development and Preliminary Evaluation of a Novel Psychotherapy for Depression for Clients with a Complex Trauma Background (ADepT-CT). Brief Summary: Depression is an often severe, chronic and relapsing condition. While effective psychological treatments for depression exist, a substantial proportion of individuals do not recover during them. A particular subgroup of clients who do not optimally benefit from current treatments for depression (and often fall in the gap between services) are those exposed to complex trauma during childhood. A novel therapy called Augmented Depression Therapy (ADepT) has been developed to treat depression in primary care settings that has promise for working with this group. In a pilot trial, ADepT was shown to not be inferior and potentially superior to current best practice (cognitive behavioural therapy), particularly in those presenting with severe symptoms. Start / end dates: April 2023 - March 2024 Email: |
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Catherine Saunders - Cambridge University Project Title: Developing the evidence base to improve mental health and wellbeing of transgender adults in England. Brief summary: Primary care supports people across the courses of their lives as their health and healthcare needs change over time. Understanding the primary care experiences of minority groups including those with protected characteristics – those characteristics for which it is against the law in the UK to discriminate against someone, and which include gender reassignment – is important for addressing potential inequalities and allowing the NHS to plan long-term. Since 2021, the annual GP Patient Survey conducted by NHS England has included questions about both gender and trans status in its surveys. , analysed 850,000 survey responses received to the 2021 survey, which included over 6,300 responses where individuals identified as either trans or non-binary. Working closely with patient and public contributors I analysed these data for my NIHR Three Schools Career Development Award Trans and non-binary respondents were more likely to be from Asian, Black, Mixed or Other ethnic groups, less likely to be heterosexual, and were more likely to live in more deprived parts of the country. They were also more likely to be younger – just under one in four (23.6%) trans and non-binary respondents was aged 16-34 years, almost double the proportion among other respondents (13.4%). After adjustment for age, ethnicity and deprivation, trans and non-binary adults reported higher prevalence for 10 out of the 15 long-term conditions. They were around three times as likely to be living with dementia or to have a learning disability, and twice as likely to be experiencing mental health difficulties. They were almost six times as likely to be autistic. |