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The School for Primary Care Research organises an Annual Trainees' Event which has in the past included engagement and involvement training discussions and activities. Your university might also offer involvement and engagement training. 

In addition, there are several online training opportunities locally, nationally, internationally and online which are open for researchers from all institutes, and listed below.

Live training

  • NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Cambridge - Patient and Public Involvement Training  (Free for students and staff from the NIHR, NHS, UK universities, public sector institutions and registered charities based in the UK.) 

Check back here shortly for further details about upcoming public involvement training sessions. 

Online training and courses

Several organisations also have online training modules related to public involvement and engagement. Below are some of the training courses you can sign-up to and go at your own pace. 

 Recorded training

You may also wish to watch some of our own, and our collaborators, previous online training sessions related to public involvement and engagement: