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I’m Sally-Jane Davidge.

When Oxford University Hospitals became a Foundation Trust, I served as a public governor for the maximum 9 years, for most of which I was chair of the governors’ committee for Patient Experience, Membership and Quality. I am now a public governor of the Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust. I completed the Leading Together course, run by the Oxford Academic Health Science Network, and am involved in a number of their projects. I also advise Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust on their communication with patients. For some time, I have participated in a variety of medical research projects as PPIE, representing patients and the public.

Having experience as a carer for a number of family members, I know how important the role of unpaid carers is. As a linguist, I am interested in ensuring that all communication with patients, their loved ones and carers should be clear, helpful and easy to understand. I am a disabled person myself, and am passionate about Equality,

Diversity and Inclusion for patients and staff, and about Health Equity for all. I feel it is important to champion those who are seldom heard, and also to make sure that those without access to digital technology are not disadvantaged in their healthcare.