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Predicting intentions towards long-term antidepressant use in the management of people with depression in primary care: A longitudinal survey study
Background Over the last two decades, antidepressant prescribing in the UK has increased considerably, due to an increased number of people staying on antidepressants for longer. Even when treatment is no longer clinically indicated, qualitative research suggests many people continue due to a fear of depressive relapse or antidepressant withdrawal symptoms. The quantitative effects of peoples’ beliefs and attitudes towards long-term antidepressant use remain relatively unexplored. Objectives To determine the extent to which beliefs and attitudes towards antidepressant treatment are associated with intentions to stop or continue long-term use; and whether intentions translate into actual discontinuation. Methods A questionnaire survey formed the main component of an embedded mixed-methods study. Twenty general practices posted questionnaires to adults aged over 18 receiving continuous antidepressant prescriptions for over two years. Outcomes and explanatory variables were determined using an extended model of the Theory of Planned Behaviour, conducting exploratory descriptive and regression analyses. The primary outcome was participants’ intentions to discontinue antidepressants. The secondary outcome of behaviour change was determined by any change in antidepressant dosage at six months. Results 277 people were surveyed from 20 practices, with 10 years median antidepressant duration. Mean questionnaire scores for intention and subjective norms towards starting to come off antidepressants were low, and 85% of participants declared that continuing their antidepressant was necessary. Prescribing outcomes retrieved from 175 participants’ medical records six months after they completed the survey found 86% had not changed their antidepressant, 9% reduced the dose, only 1% discontinued their antidepressant, and 4% increased the dose. All Theory of Planned Behaviour constructs and concerns were associated with intentions, with more favourable attitudes towards stopping and subjective norms having the strongest associations towards intentions to discontinue antidepressant use. Conclusion Given few intentions to stop taking antidepressants, patients should be made more aware of the importance of ongoing antidepressant monitoring and review from their primary care practitioners. This would promote discussion to support an attitudinal change and initiation of antidepressant tapering where appropriate.
Adapting the Germ Defence Web-Based Intervention to Improve Infection Prevention and Control in Care Homes: Interview Study Among Care Home Staff
Background: Infection prevention and control (IPC) is vital in care homes as it can reduce morbidity and mortality by 30%. Ensuring good IPC practice is a perennial challenge in the varied and complex context of care homes. Behavior change interventions delivered via digital technology may be effective in improving IPC among care home staff. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate how an evidence-based, digital behavior change intervention called Germ Defence can be rapidly adapted to meet the needs of care homes. Methods: This study applied the person-based approach, which emphasizes iterative approaches to optimizing interventions via individual user feedback. Phase 1 involved initial edits to the website by the research team to create Germ Defence for Care Homes (GDCH) version 1. Phase 2 consisted of stakeholder consultation on GDCH version 1 followed by edits to create GDCH version 2. The formal research (phases 3 and 4) involved individual think-aloud interviews with 21 staff members from management, care, and ancillary positions in 4 care homes providing real-time feedback as they worked through GDCH. Edits were made to create GDCH version 3 between phases 3 and 4. During the development of GDCH versions 2 and 3, it became clear that the intervention would need more fundamental changes beyond the pragmatic, incremental changes that would be possible within the scope of this study. Analysis was completed via a rapid, qualitative descriptive approach to develop a high-level summary of key findings from the interview data. Results: There were mixed results about the attractiveness of GDCH and its suitability to the care home context. Participants felt that the images needed to be aligned much more closely with the meaning of adjacent text. Many participants felt that they would not have time to read a text-based website, and some suggested that more engaging content, including audio and video, may be preferable. Most participants felt that the overall concept of Germ Defence was clearly relevant to their context. Some felt that it might be a useful introduction for new staff members or a refresher for current staff, but others felt that it did not add anything to their existing IPC training. There were mixed opinions about the level of detail provided in the information offered by the site. While the goal-setting behavior change mechanism may have potential, the findings suggested that it may be unsuitable for care homes and more work is needed to refine it. Conclusions: Much more work needs to be done to make Germ Defence more engaging, accessible, and relevant to the care home workforce. Our study highlights the challenges of rapidly adapting an existing intervention to a new context. Future research in this area will require a pragmatic methodological approach with a focus on implementation.
Cardiovascular disease burden and risk factor management in cancer survivors: insights into a multiethnic, socioeconomically deprived urban population
Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden and risk factor management among cancer survivors, especially in socioeconomically deprived, multiethnic populations, remain understudied. This study examines CVD burden and risk factor control in survivors of 20 cancer types within a diverse urban population. Methods This matched cohort study used electronic health records from 127 urban primary care practices. Cancer survivors were matched to non-cancer comparators at a 1:4 ratio. Cancer and CVD diagnoses were defined using standard clinical code sets. Sociodemographic variables, lifestyle behaviours, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and statin prescriptions were analysed. Multivariable regression evaluated associations between cancer history, CVD prevalence and risk factor control. Results The cohort included 18 839 cancer survivors (43% men, average age 64±15 years), with high ethnic diversity (48% White, 24% Black, 22% Asian) and high deprivation levels. Cancer survivors had elevated odds of all CVDs considered, independent of shared risk factors. Heart failure was more common in haematological (OR 2.12; 95% CI 1.44 to 3.09) and breast cancer survivors (OR 1.38; 95% CI 1.16 to 1.64). Patients with bladder (OR 1.50; 95% CI 1.20 to 1.87) and lung cancer (OR 1.44; 95% CI 1.09 to 1.87) had higher odds of ischaemic heart disease. Venous thromboembolism risk was highest in ovarian cancer (OR 5.72; 95% CI 3.54 to 9.32). Blood pressure control was slightly better in cancer survivors (OR 0.92; 95% CI 0.87 to 0.97), yet one in three patients did not meet guideline-directed targets. Statin use and cholesterol management were similar between survivors and controls, but disparities were observed within certain ethnic groups. Conclusion Cancer survivors have an elevated risk of CVD, with variations by cancer type and ethnicity. Despite comparable or slightly better control of major risk factors, a significant proportion of cancer survivors do not achieve guideline-recommended targets, highlighting the need for optimised management strategies, particularly in high-risk subgroups.
Interventions that prevent or reduce perinatal loneliness and its proximal determinants: a restricted scoping review
Background The World Health Organisation’s Commission on Social Connection (2024–2026) highlights the importance of addressing loneliness because of its negative impact on health and well-being. The perinatal period carries an increased risk of loneliness for mothers and fathers which is elevated by intersectional inequalities, such as having a low income, being LGBTQ+, or being from a minoritised community. Perinatal loneliness is associated with perinatal mental illness, which can have lasting negative impacts on parents and their children. The aim of this review was to synthesise studies exploring interventions for perinatal loneliness. Methods We conducted a restricted scoping review following the Joanna Briggs Institute Methodology to develop a categorisation of interventions and intervention-mechanisms to reduce perinatal loneliness. We included studies that described and/or evaluated interventions in published studies that intentionally or unintentionally reduced loneliness, or its proximate determinants, such as social connectedness and social support. We searched eight electronic databases for peer-reviewed academic papers published in any country describing or evaluating these interventions between 2013–2023. Results Fifty papers were included in the review, from which the following categorisation of interventions was developed: 1) synthetic social support, 2) shared-identity social support groups, 3) parent and baby groups, 4) creative health approaches (arts, nature or exercise based), 5) holistic, place-based and multidisciplinary support that worked with parents to overcome a range of barriers to connection, and 6) awareness campaigns. Five mechanisms were identified within included papers: 1) opportunities for social connection to similar others, 2) positive relationships with a professional or volunteer, 3) normalisation and acceptance of difficulties, 4) meaningful activities and 5) support to overcome barriers (including cultural and financial) to connection. Few studies collected comprehensive demographic data, few considered fathers, and none were LGBTQ+ specific. Conclusions The review identified and synthesised approaches that might address perinatal loneliness and its proximate determinants. Further research is needed to scope the grey literature, review papers in the global south, appraise intervention effectiveness, and co-produce interventions, including for fathers, LGBTQ+ parents, and cultural and religious minorities.
A Co-produced International Qualitative Systematic Review on Lived Experiences of Trauma During Homelessness in Adulthood and Impacts on Mental Health
Abstract Trauma can be both a cause and a consequence of homelessness and has lasting impacts on mental health and wellbeing. Often research focusses on trauma and adversity in childhood leading to homelessness, but understanding traumatic experiences during adulthood homelessness can be just as important for informing intervention development and policies to mitigate and eradicate homelessness. Working with people with lived experience of homelessness, this review aimed to synthesis the qualitative evidence exploring the impact of trauma during homelessness on mental health (including substance use) from the perspective of adults (18 years of age and older) experiencing homelessness. Alongside gray literature, ASSIA, CINAHL, Cochrane, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Proquest theses and dissertations, PsychInfo, Scopus and Web of Science were searched from inception until February 2024. No language, date, or geographical limits were applied. A ‘best-fit’ framework synthesis of 26 papers, covering the experience of over 900 people, identified three overarching themes linked with the SAMHSA three E’s of trauma: 1) making sense of homelessness as a trauma, 2) dealing with the impacts of trauma and 3) responses to repeated exposure to trauma. Trauma rarely takes place in isolation and often prior experiences shape how people experiencing homelessness make sense and cope with trauma. Policy and prevention should prioritise early intervention to reduce the mental health burden of trauma and homelessness. Additionally, creating support that empowers and builds resilience will encourage more positive management strategies.
The Management of Chronic Insomnia in Young Children: A Survey of UK General Practice
ABSTRACT Objectives Chronic insomnia (CI), the most common sleep disorder in young children, is associated with negative outcomes for the child and family. This study explores the beliefs, current practice, and understanding of UK primary health care professionals (PCPs) regarding CI in children under 5 years. Method An online survey of UK PCPs (e.g. general practitioners (GPs), practice nurses) recruited through Clinical Research Networks. The survey consisted of Likert-style and closed- questions regarding beliefs, current practice, and training/knowledge. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results Two hundred and ninety-five PCPs took part (mostly GPs, n = 244). Respondents believe that CI has a large impact on children and family. 80% agreed that CI should be managed in health care and 66.3% in primary care. However, consultations with families regarding CI were reported as infrequent. 91.6% agreed that CI should be managed with behavioral approaches, and more than 85% of respondents recommend positive bedtime routines. Respondents had varied confidence and knowledge about management. They had received little to no professional education about CI. Conclusions PCPs recognize the importance of CI and understand some principles of management, though they lack training and confidence. Improved training and awareness of evidence-based resources for support would improve management in primary care.
Technostress, technosuffering, and relational strain: a multi-method qualitative study of how remote and digital work affects staff in UK general practice.
Abstract Background The introduction of remote and digital forms of working in UK general practice has driven the development of new routines and working styles. Aim To explore and theorise how new forms of work have affected general practice staff. Design and setting Multi-sited, qualitative case study in UK general practice. Method Using longitudinal ethnography by researchers in residence, we followed 12 practices for 28 months (September 2021 to December 2023). This core dataset was supplemented by workshops and stakeholder interviews. Data analysis applied theories from the sociology of work, organisation studies, and internet studies. Results Staff made significant efforts to adapt to and embed digital services into their work. When technologies work well they can offer improved convenience, efficiency, more comprehensive patient care, and workplace fulfilment for staff. However, for many clinical and administrative staff, compromises and frictions embedded in digitalised workplace routines and processes could also lead to job dissatisfaction, worsened wellbeing, and misalignments with professional values and identities. We found that this workplace suffering caused relational strain between team members and had an impact on team cohesiveness and coordination. Conclusion The digitalisation of working routines in UK general practice poses a unique challenge to the workforce, risking technostress, workplace suffering, and increased relational strain within and between teams. To embed the benefits of digitalisation, we must first improve practice teams’ readiness for change, which includes strengthening practices’ relational structures that provide support during periods of adaptation. Practices must be empowered to determine a locally appropriate configuration of digital tools and given the resources and time to adapt working routines.
Mortality in adolescents after therapeutic intervention for self-harm: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Self-harm in adolescents is an international concern. Evidence highlights that therapeutic intervention (TI), such as cognitive behaviour therapy informed treatments, after self-harm leads to reduced self-harm repetition. However, there is no prior literature about the effects of TI on future mortality in adolescents. We examined the effect of TI on mortality rates in adolescents across RCTs. Methods This review was reported in accordance with PRISMA guidance. MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library were searched to 19 June 2024. Two authors independently screened titles, abstracts, and full texts against pre-defined criteria. RCTs were included if they compared a TI versus a comparator in adolescents up to 18 years with at least one prior self-harm episode. There was no lower age limit. For the pooled effect size of mortality, the DerSimonian-Laird method was used, and a random effects model for self-harm and suicide attempts. The primary outcome was intra or post-trial mortality in adolescent post TI, and the effect of TIs on self-harm including attempted suicide episodes were secondary outcomes. Analyses were done in Stata. Results Twenty-four trials of TIs consisting of 3470 randomised adolescents were included. The pooled risk difference for mortality of participants in the TI group was 0.002 (95% CI −0.003 to 0.008, p = 0.42). There were 6 deaths in the TI group compared to 15 deaths in the comparator group. The pooled risk difference for TI on repeat self-harm was −0.07 (95% CI −0.132 to −0.007, p = 0.028), and −0.05 (95% CI −0.086 to −0.007, p = 0.022) for suicide attempts compared to comparator. Conclusions This review found no significant impact of TIs on future mortality in adolescents. We also demonstrated that TIs can reduce suicide attempts which can lead to substantial benefits for adolescents, families, and clinical services.
plaTform fOr Urinary tract infection diagnostiC evAluatioN (TOUCAN): a protocol for a prospective diagnostic accuracy study of point-of-care testing in patients suspected of acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in primary care clinics in England
Abstract Introduction Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common condition with potentially serious sequelae that is mostly diagnosed and managed in primary care settings. Around half of all women have a UTI in their lifetime, and a quarter experience an infection caused by organisms resistant to more than one antibiotic. Reducing inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics is a core tenet of antimicrobial stewardship. However, current diagnostics for UTI are unfit for purpose in acute (highest prescribing) settings, being too slow to inform the required immediate decision-making and often confounded by sample contamination. Rapid point-of-care diagnostic tests (POCTs) that facilitate timely decision-making are potential solutions to this problem. Several such tests have reached advanced stages of technology readiness, but their diagnostic performance has not been evaluated in primary care with clinical users. To progress novel tests towards implementation, a diagnostic field study is required, to allow for parallel and sequential evaluation of multiple tests in a primary care population. Methods and analysis We will recruit participants assigned female at birth from primary care clinics in England who contact their clinic with symptoms of acute uncomplicated UTI. Eligible participants will complete a short questionnaire to capture symptoms and symptom severity and will provide a urine sample. Samples will be split and initially tested using novel index tests (POCTs) and conventional urinalysis ‘dipstick’ at the primary care clinic. The second part of the sample will be processed at a National Health Service-based reference laboratory using a modified reference standard including microscopy, microbiological culture, pathogen speciation and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The UTI reference standard culture, although based on the national methods, is modified to provide accurate bacterial counts, better to define a microbiological diagnosis of UTI. Susceptibility testing will be performed using ‘gold-standard’ methods, not usually performed in diagnostic laboratories. The primary outcome will be the diagnostic performance (sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values) of POCTs for detection of UTI and antimicrobial susceptibility for POCTs that include antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Secondary outcomes will include the symptom profile of patients presenting with uncomplicated UTI, a theoretical determination of how use of POCT results might change prescribing, an understanding of POCT failure rate and qualitative capture of the experiences of those using the POCT to deliver the study in primary care clinics. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was received from the London Central Research Ethics Committee (23/LO/0371) and the UK Health Research Authority. We will publish the findings of The plaTform fOr Urinary tract infection diagnostiC evAluatioN evaluations in peer-reviewed medical journals and more broadly following a dissemination plan formulated by a communications specialist in consultation with patients and the public.
Do community-based digital health inclusion programmes contribute to tackling health inequalities in disadvantaged population groups?: a qualitative study of experiences of a city-wide programme in the North of England.
Background Advances in digital healthcare and health information provide benefits to the public. However, lack of digital skills together with access, confidence, trust and motivation issues present seemingly insurmountable barriers for many. Such digital health exclusion exacerbates existing health inequalities experienced by older people, people with less income, less education or who don’t have English as a first language. This study examines the role of a city-wide digital inclusion programme in the North of England, which works with Voluntary Sector Community Organisations (VCSOs) to provide digital support to disadvantaged communities (Digital Health Hubs). The aim was to explore if and how Digital Health Hubs contribute to tackling health inequalities, with a specific focus on impacts on service-users and how these impacts are produced. Methods We used qualitative semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of service-users receiving digital support, and perspectives of staff working for organisations coordinating or providing digital support (n = 30). Results Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify four major themes and mapped to ‘Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research’ constructs. These were: programme components, recipient-centred support, impacts on service-users and system-level barriers to digital health services. Findings suggest moderators of implementation are provision of community spaces, social activities and devices and Wi-fi, and recipient-centred support through community understanding, personalised regular support and trusting relationships. Impacts on service-users include improved social and emotional resilience and basic digital skills. Health system-level barriers to digital health services, such as inconsistency in service provision, were also identified. Conclusions Themes highlight the importance of recipient-centred support by Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations (VCSOs) which centres the unique needs of specific communities. Our data provide policymakers with a model for implementation that could be replicated and scaled-up. Our data add to the public health, primary care and digital health research by proposing an initial programme theory for how Digital Health Hubs may reduce health inequalities, and recommendations for evaluation which consider short-, medium- and long-term outcomes, and contextual factors which are likely to be crucial to Digital Health Hubs’ effectiveness.
Temporal trends and practice variation of paediatric diagnostic tests in primary care: retrospective analysis of 14 million tests
Abstract Objective: The primary objective was to investigate temporal trends and between-practice variability of paediatric test use in primary care. Methods and analysis: This was a descriptive study of population-based data from Clinical Practice Research Datalink Aurum primary care consultation records from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2019. Children aged 0-15 who were registered to one of the eligible 1464 general practices and had a diagnostic test code in their clinical record were included. The primary outcome measures were (1) temporal changes in test rates measured by the average annual percent change, stratified by test type, gender, age group and deprivation level and (2) practice variability in test use, measured by the coefficient of variation. Results: 14 299 598 diagnostic tests were requested over 27.8 million child-years of observation for 2 542 101 children. Overall test use increased by 3.6%/year (95% CI 3.4 to 3.8%) from 399/1000 child-years to 608/1000 child-years, driven by increases in blood tests (8.0%/year, 95% CI 7.7 to 8.4), females aged 11-15 (4.0%/year, 95% CI 3.7 to 4.3), and children from the most socioeconomically deprived group (4.4% /year, 95% CI 4.1 to 4.8). Tests subject to the greatest temporal increases were faecal calprotectin, fractional exhaled nitric oxide and vitamin D. Tests classified as high-use and high-practice variability were iron studies, coeliac testing, vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin D. Conclusions: In this first nationwide study of paediatric test use in primary care, we observed significant temporal increases and practice variability in testing. This reflects inconsistency in practice and diagnosis rates and a scarcity of evidence-based guidance. Increased test use generates more clinical activity with significant resource implications but conversely may improve clinical outcomes. Future research should evaluate whether increased test use and variability are warranted by exploring test indications and test results and directly examine how increased test use impacts on quality of care.
Developing a quality framework for community pharmacy: a systematic review of international literature
Abstract Background We conducted a mixed methods evaluation to assess whether implementing a primary care quality improvement (QI) programme utilising a digital call-and-recall tool improved timely receipt and equity of first measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and diphtheria tetanus, pertussis and polio-containing (DTaP /IPV) vaccinations. Methods 138,133 and 136,952 children were eligible to receive first MMR and DTaP/IPV respectively between 1st January 2019 and 31st January 2024 in North East London. We compared proportions with timely first MMR or DTaP/IPV receipt (by ages 18 and six months respectively) pre- and post-implementation using an interrupted time series analysis. We calculated change in the Slope Index of Inequality (SII) by an area-level deprivation measure. We conducted ‘Think Aloud’ exercises and semi-structured interviews with users. Findings The proportion of children with timely first MMR receipt increased by 5·3 % (Rate Ratio [RR]:1·053, 95 % confidence interval [CI]:1·033–1·073), equating to an absolute increase in timely MMR receipt of 4·1 % - from 77·7 % to 81·8 % - and for first DTaP/IPV by 0·9 % (RR:1·009, 95 % CI:1·003–1·015). There was no significant change in SII for either vaccine. Users reported improved recall with tool use, but identified practice-level and systemic barriers, including staff dynamics and unachievable national targets, limiting its consistent use. Interpretation In a real-world setting, a call-and-recall tool within a primary care QI programme improved timely first MMR receipt. Sustained improvement requires additional support including by incentivising achievable targets and improving staff capacity and training.
The prevalence and determinants of health anxiety during the covid-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic subjected the global population to a situation that aroused disproportionate Health Anxiety (HA). However, this association has not been explored in a systematic review or meta-analysis. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the prevalence and determining factors of HA in the general adult population during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic search was conducted across the databases MEDLINE, PsychINFO, Embase and Web of Science. Observational studies using the 18-item Short Health Anxiety Inventory to measure HA during the pandemic were included. A narrative synthesis and meta-analysis summarised HA levels in the general adult population, subgroups and by associated factors. Out of 4088 studies, 12 met the inclusion criteria. Meta-analyses revealed a mean HA score of 15.16 (SE = 0.415). Significantly higher HA levels were observed among females, unmarried individuals, and those with pre-existing health conditions. The HA score of 15.16 suggests elevated HA during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-pandemic studies. Understanding which groups may be more affected by HA during pandemics and health crises will enable us to develop more tailored public health strategies to mitigate the psychological effects of future public health crises. Further research is needed to establish causal and longitudinal relationships.
Service delivery and the role of clinical pharmacists in UK primary care for older people, including people with dementia: a scoping review
Abstract Objective As populations age globally, there is increasing prevalence of multiple long-term conditions, such as dementia, leading to many challenges. The burden on health and care services, economic pressures, and the necessity for innovative policies to better support older people and people with dementia becomes paramount. This review explores how clinical pharmacists working in UK primary care support older people and people with dementia. Design Scoping review. Method This review was conducted following the framework for scoping reviews in accordance with the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology. The search of Scopus, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Cochrane was initially conducted in September 2022, and updated in August 2024. Searches included literature exploring the landscape of clinical pharmacy services for older people in the UK, focusing on roles and services delivered, perceptions, and experiences. Results A total of 30 articles were included. These detail the multifaceted responsibilities of clinical pharmacists in primary care for older people. Stakeholder perspectives, including healthcare professionals and patients, emphasised the positive outcomes of clinical pharmacist involvement, from reducing other practitioners’ workloads to improving patient safety. However, communication gaps, concerns about competence from other healthcare professionals, and the need for clear role definitions emerged as challenges. Research focused on the experiences of underserved groups, such as people with dementia or from minority ethnic backgrounds, is lacking. Conclusions and implications The review enhances our understanding of the primary care clinical pharmacist service in the UK and identifies gaps in evidence, emphasising the need for empirical studies on the experiences of older people with cognitive impairment and those from minority ethnic backgrounds. It provides insights into what makes an effective clinical pharmacist service, such as training and communication, which may help to inform international policy and practice and improve service provision globally.
The role of Black-led community organisations in supporting Black mental health: a Black emancipatory action research project
ABSTRACT Objective To explore the role of Black-led community organisations in supporting Black mental health and wellbeing in the UK. Design A qualitative, Black Emancipatory Action Research Framework was adopted. Framework application involved adequately compensating community organisations for their consultancy role; having ‘research conversations’ rather than interviewing participants; and focusing outputs on community benefit. Eight individual and group research conversations took place with nine Black directors, employees and volunteers working with Black-led community organisations, aged between 19 and 62, living in the UK. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyse conversations. Results Three themes were developed in relation to what Black-led community organisations do for Black mental health. These are: identify and respond to mental health needs; selectively build relationships with mainstream services; and drive social and systemic improvements. Findings revealed that Black-led community organisations uniquely identify and address mental wellbeing by offering respite from racism, hosting activities, and meeting urgent needs. They navigate and facilitate access to health and social systems, protect communities from harmful services, and advocate for social and systemic change. Drawing on the study design, findings, and the broader literature, we propose three key changes to current funding, community, and research practices. These are a reconsideration of how Black-led organisations’ work is valued and measured, a forging of greater collaboration between these organisations, and bolder consideration of how research practice can benefit Black communities. Conclusions Black-led organisations play multiple roles in supporting individual and collective mental health, crucial for mediating the effects of racism and mitigating ethnic inequalities. To our knowledge, this is the first study to both illuminate the critical role of community organisations in promoting Black mental health in the UK and to prioritise participant, and community, benefit throughout the research process.
Risk of Parkinson’s disease in people aged ≥50 years with new-onset anxiety: a retrospective cohort study in UK primary care
Abstract Background A history of anxiety is more common in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The prospective risk of PD in those newly presenting with anxiety and factors that increase the risk of PD in patients with anxiety have not been investigated. Aim To investigate the incidence of PD in people with anxiety aged ≥50 years and clinical features associated with later diagnosis of PD in people with anxiety. Design and setting A retrospective cohort study using UK primary care data between 2008 and 2018, assessing patients with new-onset anxiety aged ≥50 years. Method Weibull survival regression models were fitted and hazard ratios (HRs) for modelling time-to-PD was estimated in those with and without anxiety, and when determining the risk of developing PD in those with anxiety. Results were adjusted for sociodemographic and lifestyle factors, and relevant physical and mental health conditions. Results The risk of PD increased two-fold compared with the non-anxiety group after adjustment for age, sex, social deprivation, lifestyle factors, severe mental illness, head trauma, and dementia (HR 2.1, 95% confidence interval = 1.9 to 2.4). In those with anxiety, the presence of depression, hypotension, tremor, rigidity, balance impairment, constipation, sleep disturbance, fatigue, and cognitive impairment were associated with an increased risk of developing PD. Conclusion The risk of developing PD was at least doubled in people with anxiety compared with those without. The clinical features of those who developed PD can help identify patients presenting with anxiety who are in the prodromal phase of PD.
Defining Mental Health Conditions Within Primary Care Data: A Validation Study With a Mixed Qualitative and Quantitative Approach
ABSTRACT Objectives To validate codelists for defining a range of mental health (MH) conditions with primary care data, using a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach and without requiring external data. Methods We validated Read codelists, selecting and classifying them in three steps. The qualitative step included an in-depth revision of the codes by six doctors. Simultaneously, the quantitative step performed on UK primary care data included an exploratory factor analysis to cluster Read codes in MH conditions to obtain an independent classification. The statistical results informed the qualitative conclusions, generating a final selection and classification. Results From a preselected list of 2007 Read codes, a total of 1638 were selected by all doctors. Later, they agreed on classifying these codes into 12 categories of MH disorders. From the same preselected list, a total of 1364 were quantitatively selected. Using data from 497,649 persons who used these Read codes at least once, we performed the exploratory factor analysis, retaining five factors (five categories). Both classifications showed good correspondence, while discrepancies informed decisions on reclassification. Conclusions We produced a comprehensive set of medical codes lists for 12 MH conditions validated by a combination of clinical consensus panel and quantitative cluster analysis with cross-validation.
Biomarkers Suitable for Early Detection of Intrathoracic Cancers in Primary Care: A Systematic Review
Abstract Intrathoracic cancers, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and thymoma, present diagnostic challenges in primary care. Biomarkers could resolve some challenges. We synthesized evidence on biomarker performance for intrathoracic cancer detection in low-prevalence settings. A search in Embase and MEDLINE included studies that recruited participants with suspected intrathoracic cancer and reported on at least one diagnostic measure for a validated, noninvasive biomarker. Studies were excluded if participants were recruited based on a preestablished diagnosis. A total of 52 studies were included, reporting on 108 individual biomarkers and panels. Carcinoembryonic antigen, CYFRA 21-1, and VEGF were evaluated for lung cancer and mesothelioma. For lung cancer, carcinoembryonic antigen and CYFRA 21-1 were the most studied, with AUCs of 0.48 to –0.90 and 0.48 to –0.83, respectively. Pro–gastrin-releasing peptide (Pro-GRP) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) had the highest negative predictive values (NPV) (98.2% and 96.9%, respectively), whereas Early Cancer Detection Test - Lung (Early CDT) and miRNA signature classifier panels showed NPVs of 99.3% and 99.0%, respectively, in smokers. For mesothelioma, fibrillin-3 and mesothelin plus osteopontin had AUCs of 0.93 and 0.91, respectively. Thymoma panels (binding AcHR + StrAb and binding AcHR + modulating AcHR + StrAb) had 100% NPVs in patients with myasthenia gravis. The review highlights the performance of some biomarkers. However, few were evaluated in low-prevalence settings. Further evaluation is necessary before implementing these biomarkers for intrathoracic cancers in primary care.
Experiences and impact of moral injury in prisons
ABSTRACT Moral injury is the persistent mental or emotional distress resulting from events that challenge one’s moral beliefs. It is characterised by intense shame, guilt, worthlessness, disgust or anger and can contribute towards the development of serious mental disorders. The nature of working in prisons means that staff often face physically and psychologically challenging scenarios, and prison staff report high rates of mental ill-health and suicidal thoughts. Equally, detainees may be especially vulnerable to moral injury-related mental health difficulties having engaged in illicit actions and been found guilty by a jury of their peers as well as, in high profile cases, the court of public opinion. Despite this, there is an evidence gap about the extent of moral injury in both prison staff and detainee populations, and about how prison staff/detainees can be better supported. How struggling with moral injury may be linked to reoffending amongst detainees and burnout or resignations in prisons staff is currently unknown. In resource strapped prison settings, emerging treatments for moral injury-related mental health difficulties are unlikely to be appropriate or feasible. In this article, we highlight the contexts in which moral injury may arise; the unique challenges to treatment and support for moral injury in prison settings; and offer targeted recommendations for future research and clinical practice.
Involving People With Lived Experience in Electronic Health Record Database Studies Reflections and Learning From the CHOOSE Study
Abstract Background: Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) is integral to health research. Reporting of PPIE methods and impact is becoming increasingly common in health research. However, reporting on PPIE in studies using large, routinely collected electronic health record data sets is less common. Anecdotal evidence suggests that involvement in this research context is more challenging and offers fewer opportunities for meaningful influence on the research process. Objectives: This paper reports the involvement approach for a Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) study and critically reflects on the process and impact of involving young people, parents and carers in research using this UK primary care electronic health record data set. Methods: The CHOOSE study investigated mental health diagnoses of children and young people (1-24 years) during the COVID-19 pandemic using the CPRD. The study was informed by a Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) which consisted of 13 members including 8 young people (13-25 years) with lived experience of mental health difficulties and 5 parents/carers, with involvement activities facilitated by project partners, mental health research charity, The McPinR Foundation. We reflect on this process in this manuscript. Results: Key benefits of involving people with lived experience in this research included making sense of and contextualising findings and ensuring that they were focused on making a difference to young people's lives. Challenges included the fixed nature of the CPRD data, which did not capture all the information people with lived experience perceived to be important. Researchers expressed limited time for PPIE activities although that was compensated by McPin colleagues who organised and facilitated online meetings, and supported the young people, parents and carers during and between meetings. Conclusions: This paper describes an approach to patient and public involvement in an electronic health record database study. Working collaboratively with young people, carers and other stakeholders requires sufficient time and adequate resources. We also highlight the importance of appropriate training and support and being transparent about the limitations of PPIE involvement.