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SPCR Masterclass | Applying for Research Fellowship Awards

When: 7th October 2024 

How: Online, MS Teams


Masterclass Summary: This masterclass will cover James’ experience over the past 15 years of applying for postdoc research fellowships from a variety of funders including the SPCR, MRC, Wellcome Trust, and the NIHR. James will discuss his experience of planning, applying, interviewing, and dealing with rejection from these different funders. He will highlight the need for perseverance and focus on a long-term plan and why fellowships are so important for developing one’s career in academic Primary Care. 

About the Speaker: James Sheppard is an Associate Professor in Applied Health Research at the University of Oxford. His research focusses on better understanding the benefits and harms of commonly prescribed treatments using large scale routine electronic health record data, with a particular emphasis on medications used for cardiovascular disease prevention. His work involves systematic reviews, statistical modelling, causal inference epidemiology and primary care based clinical trials. Over the past 15 years, he has applied for many different fellowship schemes, and held postdoc fellowships from the MRC, Wellcome Trust, and the NIHR. 

Target audience: Any SPCR Member interested in applying for a personal fellowship, from early postdoc to newly established independent researcher level.