Statistics 1:1 Clinic
As well as the masterclasses there is also an opportunity for colleagues to access a service which takes the form of an ongoing helpdesk that can be accessed, at any time, by Professor Beth Stuart, Professor of Medical Statistics at Queen Mary University of London.
Most trainees have the budget to attend statistics courses and should have good supervision however we would like to offer trainees the opportunity to also have support with specific elements of their projects. This would be the opportunity to check in with a statistician to figure out what the best methods might be, get some signposting for more specialist papers / software / courses, get unstuck with syntax or interpreting results.
Trainees would be able to book 30mins to 1 hour with a statistician to chat through their problem and a single follow up meeting, if appropriate. Supervisory teams are very welcome to join these meetings (in fact, we encourage it so everyone is on the same page). It is worth noting that these sessions are intended to be for problem solving / trouble shooting. The statisticians are not offering to do the analysis or get involved in the project on a longer term basis.
To book a session, please contact Beth Stuart stating that you would like help under the SPCR trainee statistics helpdesk and giving a short description of the problem that you would like help with. A few sentences is fine – if more details are needed, we will follow up with you.
You will then be matched with a statistician with expertise in the area that you need help with and the two of you will be put in touch to book a meeting at a mutually convenient time.
If any statisticians would like to volunteer to help with this offering, we’d love to have you on board. Please contact Beth and she’ll add you to the list.